The crane takes the wheel

The last few weeks have been hard and feel like things have been absolutely nonstop. Between life happenings and freelance projects, I haven’t felt like I’ve had much time to breathe or much motivation to work on art.

But I have had this one idea rattling around in my head, a painting full of symbols and personal omens for a good year. And contrary to how I usually operate, I decided to dip my toe back into art making by doing some sketches and studies, rather than jumping into a full finished piece!

I have a few art-related goals for 2023, one of which is to make more finished pieces for myself, rather than just waiting for commissions. I also want to work a little larger (well, relatively speaking) and plan on using this final piece to push myself in that regard. How big of a crane can I paint?


Ugly* Sketchbook


December Odds and Ends