Deep Sky Design
I have been practicing natural dyeing for a few years now, dyeing fabric, yarn, and clothing. As I got deeper in to the practice, I also designed the logo, branding, and packaging to sell my pieces.

I love experimenting with different dyestuffs - usually whatever plants I can get my hands on - and techniques.

As I got deeper into my practice, I started selling more and more of my works. I developed branding and minimal packaging to sell my dyed goods, both online and in brick and mortar stores, under the name Deep Sky Design.

I used the simple packaging to highlight the range of colors that natural dyes provide.

Indigo is one of my favorite dyes to use - the combination of bright blue and white is so classic!

Dyeing gives me an opportunity to experiment with color and different ways to combine multiple dyes. This scarf was dyed with madder and weld to create a gradient.

Shibori techniques are something that I really enjoy learning about and practicing, like on these cotton napkins dyed with indigo.