New camera, new fun!

I got a new camera! By which I mean: I got a newer camera! By which I mean: this new camera is probably eight years old, which is still at least five years newer than my last camera!

I used to do so much more photography - there was a time when I was never without a camera of some kind. I loved digital photography, but I usually gravitated towards plastic toy cameras with their primitive settings and wonky results. But at some point, I kind of just stopped doing that. I got nicer phones (which meant nicer cameras) and just quit carrying cameras around. And lately, I’ve been itching to get back into it. That’s probably the reason I jumped at the chance to make tintypes a couple of months ago, even though those really didn’t turn out as I hoped they would!

Recently, my dad upgraded his own camera and offered me his older one. So I took it and, after some googling to figure out what all the settings are, have been bringing it with me on all my outings recently! It’s a lot more advanced than my last digital camera but it’s also FAR more advanced than my go-to Diana toy camera.

I’m excited to keep playing with this camera and see where it takes me! My only regret is getting back into photography just as Seattle enters the darkest months of the year…


December Odds and Ends


A whirlwind museum tour