I went to a museum!!!

Museum-going used to be a pretty regular hobby for me. (Understandably, as an exhibit designer!) But I haven’t gotten a chance to do that in over a year. (Also understandably, given the pandemic!). But I am fully vaccinated, things around me are opening back up, and I was ready to celebrate those two facts with a museum trip.

This post is really just for me to look back on and see some of the works that I really loved, but I wanted to document it all somewhere public just for fun.

The museum in question is the Museum of Museums, which I had never visited before. I had such a great time visiting, though! Every space was so well designed, the missions of the museum and the different spaces were all delightful, and I just loved getting to see art in person again!


Some favorites from the Goodwitch/Badwitch exhibit:

The upstairs space is currently my favorite neon gym ever, Energy Drink by Brian Sanchez x Neon Saltwater.


Pigment party


Cookbook Project: Cooking for company